From birth to death, Judaism provides meaningful ways to acknowledge both the joyous and challenging events in our lives. Our ancient traditions, especially when seen through a modern lens, can bring additional significance to these times and help us through periods of difficulty. Our Rabbis are here to assist with the range of ceremonies and rituals you may want to consider when observing a life-cycle occasion.
Contact the Temple Office at (561) 833-8421 or to learn more about how we can help you celebrate or memorialize an event.
A new life entering this world… A new child joining your family… A birth… An adoption… Mazel Tov!
It’s a blessing and an occasion for welcoming this child into God’s covenant with the Jewish people. Our Rabbis are available to advise you on all aspects – selecting a Hebrew name, planning a naming ceremony or arranging a bris (also known as brit milah) – to create the most meaningful ceremony possible for you and your family.
That critical turning point in Jewish life from childhood to adulthood comes at age 13. A son or daughter transitions from learning to be responsible to actually being responsible, able to take part in the obligations of becoming part of the Jewish community. At this juncture of their religious education, they will learn how to read and chant from the Torah, teach Torah, engage in mitzvah projects and be prepared to assist in leading the congregation in the essential parts of the worship service. Our students meet with our Religious School Director, Cantorial Soloist and Rabbis individually for tutoring and Torah study.
For any adult who wants to commemorate the anniversary of his or her original milestone, or for those who did not experience becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah before but would now like to, we can make that happen!
In addition to the big life cycle events, we also love to celebrate other special moments and special experiences.
Let us know when you are celebrating a milestone birthday or anniversary, and we will mark your special occasion with a blessing from our Rabbis during Shabbat services.
Contact the Temple Office at (561) 833-8421 or for more information.
A wedding is one of life’s most special events – a celebration of love between two people. Rabbis Carlie and Ryan Daniels are available to perform weddings for those wishing to formalize their commitment in a Jewish wedding ceremony. Before walking down the aisle, however, they meet with the couple in a series of sessions to discuss the meaning of the ceremony (nissuin) and of marriage itself. Rabbis Carlie and Ryan Daniels make outreach to Interfaith and LGBTQ+ families a priority.
Weddings can be scheduled at TI – if you are a member of the congregation – or at other appropriate venues before Shabbat begins, after Shabbat ends or on days other than High Holy Days or Festivals, by contacting our Rabbis at before signing any contracts with vendors to ensure appropriate time and date selections for Jewish ceremonies.
For any individual or family approaching end-of-life decisions, our Rabbis are available to advise regarding Jewish rituals and practices and to offer counsel both before and after a loved one’s passing.
Jewish tradition offers several powerful end-of-life rituals – k’riah (tearing of a garment), l’vayah (funeral procession), hesped (eulogy), k’vurah (burial) and shivah (seven days of mourning). Our Rabbis will guide you on these and other rituals if desired, and can also perform the funeral ceremony and help you understand and implement other meaningful Jewish mourning practices, including the shiva minyanim (services in your home following burial) – even if your loved one is buried out-of-town.
A benefit of Temple Israel membership is access to purchase burial plots at Star of David (formerly Menorah Gardens) in Palm Beach Gardens or in a designated section of Eternal Light in Boynton Beach. We strongly recommend that, if possible, you choose the final resting place and make “Pre-Need” funeral arrangements in advance. This can help eliminate stressful emotional “At-Need” choices in the hours and days following a death, plus it can be significantly cost-saving. In addition to the burial location, you’ll need to decide where you want the funeral to take place – our Temple sanctuary (if you are a member), funeral chapel or graveside. Cost considerations in addition to the burial plot include funeral parlor, casket, gravestone, travel arrangements and limos, among others.
It is best to obtain quotes before making a final decision, and a suggested first step is to contact a family counselor at the cemeteries to determine plot location availability and other details.
Star of David – (561) 627-2777 – TI members receive special pricing. If, after speaking with their professionals, Star of David is your choice, please purchase the burial plot through us by contacting our office at (561) 833-8421 or
Eternal Light – (561) 737-7411 – At their request, please make arrangements directly with Eternal Light and they will provide quotes and information accordingly. Please know that our Rabbis and Administrator are always available to assist you in making the decision that gives you the greatest level of comfort.
The rollercoaster of life can be a daily challenge; staying on track overwhelming. Some of us are thrown off by illness – our own or one incurred by a family member or friend – a death, a business crisis, financial hardships, family conflict, world events. OY!!!
These are the moments when you may find it helpful – and even uplifting – to seek the discreet counsel and consoling of a Rabbi. Non-judgmental wisdom can provide the clarity that helps you find solutions and resolutions to the turmoil or issues you face.
Our Rabbis can point to resources available to help you through your particular situation. There’s a vast network of agencies and services out there, and the Rabbis can guide you in navigating the system to find what’s best for your needs.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to medical privacy laws, hospitals and healthcare providers are not allowed to notify religious institutions when their members are under care. Unfortunately many people assume that Temple Israel and our Rabbis know when someone is hospitalized or sick, which is not always the case. If you would like someone from TI to call or visit you or your loved one, or if you know of a member we should be checking in on, please inform us.
Rabbis Carlie and Ryan Daniels can be reached through the Temple Office at (561) 833-8421 or