Annual Commitment

At Temple Israel, we offer various levels of membership based on age or a “snowbird with other affiliation” status. 

In addition, members can elect to be a President’s Circle member which is inclusive of our regular membership and annual reserve costs. 

Learn more of the additional benefits of being a President’s Circle member by clicking here.


Below find our Annual Commitment levels and related information.

If you have any questions or financial concerns, please contact Tamekia Graham at (561) 833-8421 or


2024 Annual Commitment

We hope you will consider becoming a part of the Temple Israel family!

We are dedicated to fostering a welcoming community for all and will work with individuals and families so that finances are not a barrier to affiliation.

We encourage you to speak with Tamekia Graham at (561) 833-8421 or for more information.


MEMBERSHIP TYPE                                                                                        ANNUAL COMMITMENT
Single Membership $1100
Family Membership $2200
Associate Single

(Does not include High Holy Day Tickets)

Associate Family

(Does not include High Holy Day Tickets)


Levels of Giving

President’s Circle members are invited to contribute to Temple Israel above the given annual commitment levels for membership. The support of our members who choose to give at President ’s Circle levels fuels our vibrant community, enabling us to offer inspirational programming, meaningful worship, and opportunities for tikkun olam, the repair of the world.

President Circle levels
 Titanium $25,000
Pearl $10,000
Opal $7,500
Diamond $5,000
Platinum $4,000
Gold $3,500
Silver $2,500
  • There is a mandatory Security Fee of $125
  • Associate Membership is a secondary affiliation and does not include High Holy Day Tickets and Life Cycle Events
  • Please note that children “age out” at the end of their 26th year, requiring their own membership



Click here to access the membership registration form.