

Saturday, September 28 at 7:30 p.m. 

Selichot Saturday Evening Havdalah & Dessert Reception

Selichot, our reflective ritual before Rosh Hashanah that occurs on a Saturday night prior to the New Year, formally invites us into the High Holy Days season. Join us for a musical Havdalah and dessert reception. 


Sunday, September 29 at 10 a.m. 

Reverse Tashlich: International Jewish Waterfront Cleanup

Join Temple Israel for the 7th Annual Reverse Tashlich, an international waterfront cleanup. For thousands of years, in a ritual called Tashlich, Jews around the world have symbolically cast their sins into a body of water on Rosh Hashanah. For many years, too, humans have been throwing their sins, trash and debris, into bodies of water as well. The Jewish community has shown we can cast sins in, now let’s take them out. Register HERE.