

Saturday, September 9 | 24 Elul 5783 7:30 PM

Selichot Worship & Dessert Reception Selichot, our reflective ritual before Rosh Hashanah that occurs on a Saturday night prior to the New Year, formally invites us into the High Holy Days season. Join us for Havdalah, music and cheesecake outside in our beautiful courtyard.

Cheesecake Dessert Reception Sponsored by Judy and Alan Shuster

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On the Saturday evening prior to Rosh HaShanah, our congregation gathers together for a special Selichot program and prayer service. It is an evening of learning, prayer, reflection and return. We prepare not only ourselves for the serious work of the High Holy Days, but also our Torah Scrolls, as they are taken from the ark and dressed in the white mantels specific to the Days of Awe.