Prayer Books

In honor or memory of a loved one, dedicate one of the sacred books used by Temple Israel.  Bookplates acknowledging your gift will be placed on the inside cover of the book.

To dedicate a book, contact the Temple Office at (561) 833-8421 or

Mishkan T’filah

Used for our weekly Shabbat and festival services.

A Reform Siddur prepared for Reform Jewish congregations. Broad selection of readings, including beloved passes from our Reform liturgical tradition and great poetic writings from throughout Jewish history.

$54 – Each Dedication

Mishkan HaLev

Used for Selichot and the Month of Elul

This companion to Mishkan HaNefesh (see below) enables communities to better prepare for the Days of Awe – with two complete services, one for Erev Shabbat during the month of Elul and a Selichot service. It it full of beautiful readings, meditations, commentary, and translations to ready the heart and the mind to enter the High Holy Days.

$36 – Each Dedication

Mishkan HaNefesh

Used for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur

Provides an accessible guide through the journey of t’shuvah (repentance) and cheshbon hanefesh (self-reflection). Embraces the rich liturgical voices of the Jewish past and the aspirations of our people today.

$100 – Each Dedication per book

Family Haggadah II: For All Ages

Used for Temple Israel’s Second Night Seder

A Passover haggadah that includes all new commentaries and discussion questions from traditional and contemporary sources.

$18 – Each Dedication