That critical turning point in Jewish life from childhood to adulthood comes at age 13. A son or daughter transitions from learning to be responsible to being responsible, able to take part in the obligations of becoming part of the Jewish community. At this juncture of their religious education, they will learn how to read and chant from the Torah, teach Torah, engage in mitzvah projects and be prepared to assist in leading the congregation in the essential parts of the worship service. Our students meet with our Religious School Director, Cantorial Soloist and Rabbis individually for tutoring and Torah study.
In addition to study, service to the community is encouraged. We work together with you and your child to determine an appropriate commitment that’s based on their interests and abilities. The aim is to enrich their knowledge of Judaism and embrace its teachings, earning the title of Bar or Bat Mitzvah.
For any adult who wants to commemorate the anniversary of his or her original milestone, or for those who did not experience becoming a Bar or Bat Mitzvah before but would now like to, we can make that happen!
To discuss Bar or Bat Mitzvah in more detail, whether for you or your child, Rabbi Carlie or Rabbi Ryan at or (561) 833-8421.